Things that make us go... hmmm 🤔

Old people love big screens. I feel like it is a similar reason Apple made a MacBook Air in a 15". A number of years ago my parents but the Pro just for the screen. They have all this horse power in that machine and then it is mostly for browsing the net, but that was the big screen version :man_shrugging: :joy:

I could see that computer being great for an older couple. “Grandma, you can use it in the kitchen and then when you want to use it with your sewing program, you can move it to your craft room!”

This looks like an upscale version of a rig that you’d see someone have set up at a mcdonalds 6 years ago

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I definitely understand the initial “wtf,” but I like this concept. It feels like a slightly more portable iMac (HP has clearly “borrowed” a number of design cues from Apple here). Obviously, this doesn’t work for moving from home to your office/school/anywhere, but I could see the appeal of keeping this on a desk or kitchen counter as a big touchscreen and then moving it to the dining table or even a coffee table for longer use with the keyboard.

Are there people who don’t like larger screens? I prefer a smaller laptop if I’m carrying it around in a bag, but I feel like larger screens are objectively better for productivity and entertainment. I upgraded to a 32" 4K monitor last year and it feels like such a breath of fresh air to be able to spread things out on the screen and have multiple windows up at the same time.


Mickey D’s LAN parties were always a weird concept to me. I remember there was a dude who had one of the smaller Dell desktops & I’d always see him with it set up at my local McDonalds. I was always surprised they let people get away with that. A laptop & you need to plug it in sure why not, a full desktop with monitor, KB, & mouse (SFF or not) that’s pushing it IMHO LOL!


Bezel King.

This kind of makes me want to make a “longboard” which is a surfboard with a keyboard mounted in the middle :thinking:


So I was in my local Goodwill, and I saw this oddity, which surprisingly is contemporary, not a layout experiment from the 1990s.

and which is also marketed as “ergonomic”. I suppose you can call anything ergonomic.


Can’t help but wonder WTF is Z Tab now?


“This keyboard is designed for computer users whose applications involve extensive use of the Tab key and want an otherwise conventional keyboard layout and design. The extra triple-width ZTab key is located where the left, down and right arrow keys are located on the keyboard and generates the same key codes as the standard Tab key on the left edge of a regular keyboard. Applications that use the Tab key to move between fields will benefit from the location and ease of use of the ZTab key, which was specifically designed for data intensive applications, especially for users who are keying in primarily numeric data. The ZTab key is extra large to allow the use of fingers and thumb to operate the ZTab key with varying positions of the hand.”


12u ZTab or nothin’!!! :triumph:

I ain’t got time to hunt around for some microscopic 3u key…


I’m just impressed they trademarked it, ha


It’s been years. Still waiting for this set, in case anyone wants to design it.

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“Look, pal. This board ships with a 3u ZTab in an awkward position and we’re mixing up the standard positions for the arrow keys or it doesn’t ship. You think anyone wants to keep their fingers on the home row to hit the standard tab key in a convenient way?!”

At least that’s how I imagine the design meetings going for this keyboard.


Can I at least get it in WKL?



Well that’s aggressive.


When your hate for the Win key extends to even the blockers!


This has provoked all kinds of “wait… why (insert question here)” All followed by a “hmmm” This might be a perfect post.



Tbh, WKL itself is a perma-hmm to me but can’t complain about all the money I saved from ignoring WKL-only GBs.


I love WKL blockers on a purely aesthetic level, but I’ve purposefully avoided them for (personal) practical reasons.

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I got one for ya. It’s a big hmmmm

So, I do the laundry in the household. I’ve been using Tide Free and Clear detergent for about 15 years now.

Just in the last year I started to notice that the detergent smelled like a dumpster or vomit. I thought I was crazy. When you first get it, the smell is not there. At least with the last bottle I bought. But after a few weeks it starts to get worse.

I thought… weird, i guess they’ve changed something. So I started looking at other brands. Reading reviews and such.

EVERY SINGLE BRAND of unscented detergent, from the cheap to the premium, people are saying the EXCACT same thing. I think it’s probably present in all detergent, but the scented ones mask the smell.

Did they like find out something was causing cancer and quietly replace it? Supply chain issues with common ingredient now using low quality product to substitute???

So strange. I’m actually looking into making my own detergent today.