I wish I could find the White/Grey for a decent price somewhere because I love those Keycaps with pretty much every color case
I’m kicking myself for not buying that one FC660C that was sitting on Amazon for a while. It seems they’re not really in stock for reasonable prices anywhere now unless I’m blind.
I think they’re just in between production runs and running low on inventory at most retail locations while waiting for the next batch to make it onto the market. I believe @Manofinterests knows more.
For those wondering, I’m getting close on this but also sort of intentionally taking my time. I’ve been interviewing and getting quotes from alternate factories for this run, as I keep trying to improve my process with each new design. I always want to make sure I’m working with the right workshop for each project to get the absolute best quality and finishes. I’ve been talking to vendors both in Asia and here in the USA, several of whom have made samples for me. I hope to make a decision by the end of this week, however, and then get the group buy ball rolling. It’s definitely time to get moving; I’ve been working on this for way too long.
I’m hyped on this project! After seeing everyones new Norbaforces, I have no doubts on the quality. I have my mind set on the photographer grey coating…my wallet is ready.
Can’t wait to see the sample pictures! I bought a 660c in December because I was hyped for this project!
I bought 2 FC660Cs for this
No pressure, bought these because they’re amazing boards regardless, but if the Heavy-6 comes it it just sweetens the deal
edit: Any pics of the black PVD steel case?
The Steel option is so hefty! I’m really wondering how the sound would be like for this one! Definitely count me in for the Steel 6-Heavy!
I am so anxious to see more of this case! Hopefully those pics are processed and posted very soon, it’s been a long wait for another tease. This is a very exciting project.
I keep checking back hoping to see the photos for the prototypes… I’m waiting for MT3 /dev/tty1 keycaps to ship AND waiting for this groupbuy to drop. It’s almost too much to handle
Will there be an all steel version?
Yes, he’s making an all stainless steel version.
Yes, and those are indeed the appropriate emoji. It’s mind-blowingly expensive due to the CNC time required to mill stainless. The cost just to get one sample made has been more than I would ever have imagined spending on keyboards in six lifetimes just a year ago. But my god it feels so nice. I lent @olivia one of the all-steel samples recently, and perhaps she can give feedback on the feel of using it.
Incidentally, I know I’ve probably hinted at this for a long time, but I am truly getting very close on the Heavy-6 group buy. The main reason for the delay is that, as usual, I’ve been exploring a million different options, trying my best to figure out how to extract maximal quality from potential vendors. This time around, I think I’m going to opt to work with a much more expensive vendor who has a reputation for exceedingly high quality standards, particularly in the area of cosmetic finishing. They’re a US company (with manufacturing centers in Texas and abroad), and I’ve seen samples of beautiful parts that they supply to really high-end luxury brands.
My ultimate goal for my keyboard projects is to make rare, end-gamey keyboards, not just to enable a thousand people to add a random 50th item to a keyboard collection. Honestly, I prefer to sell fewer keyboards with higher quality standards and a more artistically curated experience, even if it means at higher prices. This is what I’ve been agonizing over for the past couple of months on this project, and I think I’ve ultimately decided that lower-volume, super-high-quality is the direction in which I want to head. The Norbaforce, with it unusually smooth (fine-blast) finish on the anodized parts, the linen-clad packaging, the custom illustrations, etc., were a mid-way step in this direction from the Norbatouch, and people seem to have responded unbelievably positively to that, so I’m just going to keep poking along, trying to find the sweet spot on all the many dials one can tweak on creative manufacturing projects like these.
In short, very soon.
So glad to hear this Ryan! I believe when the community hears these kind of updates from you, they get even more enthusiastic for the resulting GB!
I really appreciate your attitude towards this project Ryan There’s enough groupbuys out there to thicken up peoples stockpiles that this experience excites in how it will stand out. I’m glad to find my end-game here
Let alone the wonderful options like the photographer’s gray, offering details like the linen packaging and custom illustrations are making me feel like a child in a camera store again! Thank you again for taking the time to mull over this, we all know the extra time you are putting into this will make the result that much more special
! Knowing it is coming soon is a blessing and a curse, I can’t wait.
Have a wonderful weekend and cheers!
As Ryan mentioned, I had the pleasure of using the all-steel sample and it was simply fantastic. The coating has a unique feeling that reminds me slightly of micro-arc oxidation but the weight makes it feel completely indestructible and premium. In my opinion, it’s an absolute must-buy if you have a FC660C or if you ever considered a keyboard in that layout.
I appreciate that you’re going with quality over price. It really means a lot and makes a product we can be proud to own.
No need to agonize over this. It’s a very sensible decision. Pretty sure most people considering the Heavy-6 were aware that this makes for Topre endgame and set their price expectations accordingly.
To be honest anything you made for the 660C would be endgame because nothing else exists. If the Norbaforce quality was well received, why up the standards and price out many potential participants? Furthermore, owners of RF 87u got to experience your products at a particular price point but now 660C owners have to pay a paradigm shift tax? Why not make a more expensive version in the future or as an option in this GB like with the steel version? Some of us don’t have museum level collections, and we’re hoping to afford at least one of your designs. I understand wanting to produce a high quality product, but I can’t support the desire to limit ownership (by price point) to elevate it’s status. Making products more exclusive for exclusivity’s sake is just snobbery IMO.
I don’t think the intent is to price people out arbitrary. There is a demand for very high-end products in the topre world because of the lack of available options on the open market. I support the inclusion of a all-steel PVD coating, end-game, etc and willing to pay for it.
Its simple market dynamics, high-quality + $$ = low volume. If you look at the recent group buy for the E7-V1, Exclusive provided a product which I feel addressed the market demand perfectly. The GB closed within 1.5 days. 100 units allotted, 7 units priced at the high-end (all brass versions 2x price of aluminum version) which was oversubscribed with 12 people. The remaining 93 priced at market rate of $300+ for aluminum board.
Whatever Norbauer decides I support the project 100%, because I know he will provide a quality product for my FC660C.
I think you misunderstood what he meant. His intention was never to exclude people from being able to afford and buy his products, it’s about reaching a certain level of quality. And that quality obviously comes at a cost.
At the end of the day he’s making these cases because he has a passion for making high quality products. And I completely understand his approach. I, too, enjoy the idea of a case completely free of blemishes, even on the parts you don’t normally see. And I wouldn’t mind paying extra for it.