That is great news! Looking forward to it.
Furiously refreshing Keebtalk forums =)
it me
I’m working on sending out an email to my email list shortly to announce the opening of the GB, but we can call this the KeebTalk “soft launch.” Let’s move the discussion over there to that thread.
Thanks everyone for your support and encouragement here in the IC. It has been a long road to get this thing finally ready (I always forget how much is involved in launching one of these things!), but I’m really happy with how this project has shaped up and am looking forward to moving this into production soon!
as an Indian, I’m happy to know you know about our culture!
Haha. Absolutely. I actually used to run a company that had an office and team in Delhi. Yours is an excellent and venerable culture. Also: we democracies of the world need to stick together.
Ok, I’ve been waiting patiently for the Olivia builds, but so far nada. Who’s got it, post. For crying out loud. I love bling and Olivia, if you’re there and not a rumor, what you got?
I want to know.
Monolith unite. We are heavy for no particular reason. I want shots.
Wow, that’s really shiny! I’d be kind of afraid to touch it, like having the keyboard of Louis XIV, it would pick up fingerprints.
Totally worth it, though.
You just have to embrace that with a board like this. I’ve been using a mirror-polished aluminum housing for the past few months and I just let it develop my natural finger residue naturally and quite like the look. Then I can easily buff it from time to time with a microfiber and get back to the high-polish effect. It’s surprisingly satisfying.
Any idea if it’s possible to “apply” that kind of finish to an already anodized case?
I have a clear anodized alu case that I’m getting bored of, and a polished alu finish sounds interesting.
I wouldn’t advise it, I’m afraid. You’d have to completely remove the oxide layer first, and the only way to do that is with aggressive bead blasting to make sure you got everything. Polishing back to a smooth and then mirror surface would not only be a considerable effort, then, but I think you’d find that all your corners were softened as well. It would work better on something like a Norbaforce that already has rounded geometry on almost everything, but anything with a hard corner would end up looking different and softer, even if you could get the other areas of the finish looking good and smooth. Getting areas like the interior of the bumpon pockets would be a major additional challenge and require small tools and a lot of annoyance. =\
I’ve been using the Aperture Heavy-6 for a few months now and rotating through several keysets and have settled on this combination . I love the textured powder coat and build quality. Thanks @norbauer!
I’ve joined the Norbaforce MK II too, can’t wait for those to ship out!
Thanks so much for the awesome photo @jamesma! One thing I often seen on the Heavy-6 is the use of two artisans on those two isolate keys on the top-right like you have it there, and I think it works really well. Also love the colors on that GMK set.
Thanks for the photo. Looks nice!
Can you clarify which sliders do you use to convert to MX? Have you got any problems with spacebar?
I used the Novatouch sliders! No issues with spacebar, I lubed the stabilisers
Lord @norbauer any chance of seeing a heavy6 in VHS finish?
just got an FC660C Silent this past week and ordered the dampener already. just need the case to comeback in a new round I suppose