Post Your Keyboards!

Tell us about them POM Ink caps :nerd_face:. How do you like them? How do they feel and sound? Comparable to anything? I’ve been mulling over getting the Sugarcubes.


POM lives up to its reputation: it feels more “slippery” than ABS and PBT. These are OEM profile so they are definitely taller than Cherry profile. Also, they are significantly thinner than GMK. Sound-wise they are lower pitch than PBT and ABS. Overall I like them—they’re a good addition if you want some variety and want something that sounds more on the thocky side.


Nice, that’s a helpful characterization. Thank you!

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Thanks for sharing bud! Do you suspect they’ll shine overtime?

That’s a good question—I would think yes since POM feels like a softer plastic, but I can’t speak from any experience.


Mission accomplished. Friend received the Alice layout mech that I built for him to try out.

Another convert.


What switch did you go with? I am thinking to build a board for a friend, but no idea what type of switches and spring weight is most friendly for rubber dome user.


He wanted tactile switches so I used TTC Bluish White switches. Not too heavy.


These are the two norbaforce siblings that I proudly own since yesterday. I purchased them just some hours before discontinuation of Topre housings was announced in the newsletter. I really needed only one, but I couldn’t decide between Aperture and K2 colors, so I got both :slight_smile: and I adore them both. I also wanted to support Ryan’s work as I want to see more products with his retro-futuristic design philosophy that I love so much. I share similar nostalgic feelings with Ryan when it comes to retro-futurism and optimism for the future of previous decades. Also, feeling of Topre switch clicks those nostalgic buttons for me, so Topre and Ryan’s design is a perfect combination for me.

Thank you Ryan @norbauer for making these amazing specimens. I will keep them with me for the rest of my life.


what nice thick bezels!

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I cannot tell you how much this means to me, especially that your formulated it in exactly this way. This made my day. :slight_smile: :pray:t2:


I’m very glad ro read this :slight_smile:

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If we look to the past’s optimism for our present in hopes of channeling it for our own future, with the present being vastly different if not worse than the past’s vision of it, wouldn’t this reflection ultimately culminate in disappointment, knowing that the previous optimism was misplaced? Am I a nihilist now? Send philosophical help – keyboards also.


Put some red Unicomp keycaps on my Maxi Switch OEM 1997 IBM Model M13 to match its nipple:


The red looks really good with the black, and it appears to match the red of the trackpoint very well!

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This is my fav keeb butt of all time. My Singa V3 is built up with alu plate, 67g tangies, tangie colorway C3 stabs, and GMK Coral.


I needed something that could act as a stepping stone between a traditional keyboard layout, and the minimal ortholinear keyboards (and ultimately, the 34-key split keyboards), so that I can convert more people. So I made Nudge:

Kailh Purpz, 49 keys, three 1.5U keys, no stabs. The keycaps are a bit of a mess, because there are no 1.5U transparent ones, and I needed the homing keys, but I will probably use MBK Legends once they are released sometime this century hopefully.

The layout right now is this, but I’m still experimenting a bit:

Project page at Nudge Keyboard |


Did you use MX spacing? The keys still look pretty far apart. I’ve always wanted a 12-13u staggered Choc board, but with Choc spacing.

Would have preferred a split 3.5u space (1.75/1.75) for thumb peddling. Also, if you are trying to convert people to ortho .25u uniform stagger might have worked better for R3 and many sets have 1.25u shift.

But despite those small criticisms (which are really just personal preference) - this is a really cool project! Would buy.


Hi, I used MX spacing, because not all keycaps I have for chocs work with choc spacing, and I wanted to have choice (in particular, those transparent keycaps are too high for choc spacing). The 1.5U keys are much easier to find, so I went with that, and the 0.25U stagger worked nicely for centering the top row.

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So creative, hopefully you inspire some conversions to the tiny + split + lowpro life.

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