Polishing ABS Keycaps

Here’s another… It’s kind of hard to capture the shine. Left is polished.


Edit : Bottom row done


Compliments that powder-coated case really well.


Very nice! Polished red all the way.

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So after getting a row done, I’ve gotten down a pretty good method:
I polish the face in all four directions, turning the keycap after polishing the face three times.
I do this four times, adding a little polish to the face in between each.
I finish the cap off by hand polishing in a thick microfiber cloth on all sides.
Pretty happy with the results so far, just wish it didn’t take so long :laughing:


Hopefully this comes through OK. Polishing finished. Looks much better and feels way more smooth.


You guys got me wanting to polish my SA Leviathan set :smiley:
Some keycaps are already shiny, so I might as well got an even shine on all of them…
Will use Dremel, just need to decide which polishing paste should I get (EU, probably over Amazon).

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Right? I think one of my MT3 Serika sets is next on the polishing block.

Yeee, I think the smooth surface of SA would give a greater result. :thinking:

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100% agree. The polished MT3 surface feels really smooth but it still does have a bit of a textured look. The smooth surface of SA polished would look crazy shiny.

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Shine makes it hard for me to read the legends.

I’d rather see some one come out with a low power bead / sand blaster, designed to restore the mat finish to keycaps.


Shiny SA reminded me of this…
HSA by JTK, shiny out of the box, always looked yummy to me.
Will try for brown extras, if it ever gets delivered :smiley:

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Same. But they are still working on the molds for this set. We’ll probably have to wait quite a while yet :frowning:

KAM Little Pilot is supposed to be shiny. Was supposed to be delivered in July but no estimate yet :sob:

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I might also try and polish my DSS Dolch set.
I might kinda like it, but it’s pretty rough (textured)…


Been wanting that set for my classic brown Filco for a hot minute now.

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My Leviathan set started shinning with little to no use in stark contrast to any GMK or JTK set that I own. I wonder if the coating used by Maxkey is subpar?

Someone on reddit shined his SA keyset using acetone vapors.

He placed the acetone in a glass, and the glass in a plate with hot water, then he hovered the keycaps through the acetone vapors.

Here is his full album

And his reddit thread


Well that looks easy. :thinking:

I gave it a try and I guess I had it to long in the vapor cuz I got some bubble. :grimacing: