Issue #101 of is out – check out this week’s editorial for a little surprise: Issue #101 of Keyboard Builders' Digest
Issue #102 of is out. To celebrate the blog’s 2nd anniversary, I’m cooking up a teeny little surprise. Check it out: Giveaway 2022
Issue #103 of is out. Don’t miss the giveaway either: Giveaway 2022
That split with the VGA cable is crazy. I need to try some of these crazy boards one day. I have one 40% and I have one ortho keyboard. Neither one of them really worked out for me. I still get the ortho board out occasionally to practice typing on it
Yeah, these ergo splits work best if you design them around your own fingers. Simply buying or printing another guy’s design makes not much sense to me. I couldn’t type on any columnar stagger or layout but my own I meticulously figured out a few years ago.
The project turns 2 today. To celebrate this event, 50 vendors offered 111 prizes for a giveaway. I close the application form in a few hours, so hurry up guys and gals: Giveaway 2022
Issue #104 of is out. Announcing the Advent Calendar line-up: KBD.NEWS Advent Calendar 2022
KBD.NEWS Advent Calendar
The very first KBD.NEWS Advent Calendar is starting off with a 0th day post on what the heck is a mechanical keyboard advent calendar.
(Spoiler: It’s been a custom in the Japanese DIY keyboard community, and I tried to recruit an all-star line-up to bring this phenomenon to you outside of Japan.)
Posts will be revealed one by one, landing page this way:
Coming soon: Falling Down The Rabbit Hole by Ben Vallack.
With the first two articles of the KBD.NEWS Advent Calendar, and a lot more, Issue #105 of my weekly digest of mostly DIY keyboard stuff is out.
Issue #106 of my weekly digest of mostly DIY keyboard stuff is out. This time with even more articles of the KBD.NEWS Advent Calendar.
Issue #107 of my weekly digest of mostly DIY keyboard stuff is out. This time with even more articles of the KBD.NEWS Advent Calendar, and a lot more!
Issue #108 of my weekly digest of mostly DIY keyboard stuff is out. With some articles of the KBD.NEWS Advent Calendar, and a lot more!
Issue #109 of my weekly digest of mostly DIY keyboard stuff is out:
Issue #110 of my weekly digest of mostly DIY keyboard stuff is out. Slowly getting back to my normal pace:
@dovenyi Which issue would you recommended for someone who is starting out? I would like to understand more in depth what it takes to create own (ideally low profile, wireless, with knob) keyboard.
These weekly issues cover mostly new projects. While the open-source ones (KiCad files or build guides) can help a lot if you have some basic understanding of the design and manufacturing process, I have some old and half-baked tutorials for beginners here:
Because of personal problems, the blog is in low-power mode. Anyway, here is Issue #112 of my weekly digest of mostly DIY keyboard stuff:
Thanks bud. We appreciate ya!
I’m back with Issue #114 of my weekly digest of mostly DIY keyboard stuff:
The newsletter will be probably suspended temporarily because it will cost me $50 a month from March. See today’s editorial for more info.
Issue #115 of my weekly/fortnightly digest of mostly DIY keyboard stuff is out: