That’s exactly right. They get mushy around 55 G. I am building some Silent Sky in Gold V2 housings right now, and am using 60 G TX, which is barely enough to keep them somewhat crisp.
They were really meant for 62 G in the Sky housings, or even higher in more tactile housings [68 G in Boba].
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Do they work well with the silver silent linear stems?
The wobble is a little above average, but they’re otherwise fine for the Gazzew linears.
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Such is rather inherent to these housings, but good to know!
Can confirm that Polias can be used to make ordinary Holy Blue Bobas:
These are 68 G Progressive. More tactile than I need, but it’s good to know I can make them. Seem to be regular Holy Bobas, as far as I understand them.
The leftover Polia housings I used to make two 63.5 G [Spirit] Silent Sky Polias. Testing them against 60 G Silent Sky stems in TTC Gold Brown V2 housings, the Golden Skies seemed to be a little smoother, quieter, and lower-pitched.
I think TTC Gold Brown V2 may be a better basis for building Silent Sky stems than Halo True / Polia. The latter just seem to be a little scratchier and seem to have more stuff going on inside them. Maybe it’s just the Spirit springs. The TTC housings are using TX 14mm.