Interesting Finds & Heads-Ups

They have done this 20% off gift card sale before at least once as I remember seeing the previous discord announcement.


We do this yearly.


I hear you also do a 40-50% off gift card every decade (?) on July the 12th :rofl:


On its own I think this is pretty on the bottom if otherwise not super interesting… but, this case is meant to also work with KBD67 Lite / v3 internals. Neat!

I wouldn’t mind upgrading one or two of the [ too many ] 67Ls I have sitting around, which makes me more interested.

That said, it looks like the kit comes with its own PCB and plate, so I’m not sure it would make sense to get this as an upgrade for those. If they made the case available on its own that would be a different story. (What I do totally like is a fresh batch of ostensibly 67L-compatible PCBs getting made :slight_smile: )

It does look like this version of the design skips the “mute silicone” middle layer that also acted as the “gasket” / mounting for the original KBD67 Lite / v3, which I think was the least popular aspect of those. I don’t think those were all bad, but I also think that was the right move.

I’m on the fence!

Edit: of course I got one. I wanted one each of all the colors, but I went for anodized purple to take another shot at finding the perfect home for GMK Phantom >.>


That works out really well for you if memory serves me right! :clap:


Looks like TX is redesigning their AP clip-in stabs to now clip in from the top side of the PCB, rather than useing their wedges that seem to loosen over time and end up shaking around in the bottom of your keyboard if you don’t do something drastic like plastic solder them into the clip.(I tend to just usually toss them and spread the clips apart a little farther and haven’t had any issues treating the le Cherry clip-ins.)

The new design has you sliding in a wedge that has a lip at the top that allows to pull it back out, or use it to push it in.

My concern would be if the wedge could get pulled up by the o-ring in an o-ring mount… :thinking:

I like the idea for other mount types though. :+1:


Oh yea that is a pretty neat design change they want to make, and your concern of o-rings pulling them out is definitely a good point I hope they keep in mind.

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Wonder what the hell that plastic square between the stab housings is for? Guessing it’s supposed to simulate a plate on the stab tester maybe?


It kind of simulates a plate, but the stab testers I bought like this were discontinued and they refunded me my money the same day they arrived.

They work and feel fine. Those plate squares sit a little loose in the “PCB” But if you toss a switch in all of them before testing you are good to go. :+1::+1:


Turns out this is only half-true; it relies on the same old mute silicone mount out of the box, but KBDFans is reportedly working on a plateless soldered option for the Margo (and ostensibly its other boards that use the same mounting).

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All these posts on r/mk about GMK keycap collections, chatter in Things that make us go... hmmm 🤔 - #2296 by djmantis, What did you order or think about ordering? - #1178 by wjrii, and What did you get in the mail today? (Part 2) - #444 by rpiguy9907, thought I’d share an interesting site I found recently:

Created by a community member, it shows what the various sets look like (and color used).


Ah, this makes more sense:

Divinikey didn’t have them, but KBDfans has cases by themselves for anyone looking to give their KBD67 Lite a fancy upgrade


Another customizable keeb from daringrun [In-stock] Flip 6p Keyboard – D-R Design (not yet in-stock) or on GH 【IC】Flip 6P,60%+Pad,Normal/Southpaw/HHKB/WKL multiple layouts in a keyboard - lots of options! The GB for the 70f is just getting shipped - sounds like the blue failed QC, so they don’t have that color again…but these look so interesting!


Thanks for sharing!! The Flip 6p fits a need for me.

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NovelKeys has a couple new fun things.

A basic lil’ 60 barebones solder kit that’s $35 called the SKELETT:

Sticker packs! Want all the Rons? Miss-out on some of their old fun stickers? Well now they’re available on their own:

They’ve even got the crown logo and the trio of Pandas in one of them


I hope NK does some other sizes in the Skelett series, would love to see a 75%.

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Those are great. Fun fact, I’ve saved every sticker from every keyboard related order for over a decade. Pretty sure I have every single one of those. Also have a ton of their older logo.


Same here! Originally was saving up for a sticker bomb then just kept collecting them & never used any. Now it’s a mandatory thing for me to save the stickers from orders, why I couldn’t tell you but it is wild looking through them seeing the old designs & stickers from places that closed up or changed names.


Just checked. I don’t have that sad Ron one.

Also, I have 25 of these…

And here’s some good ones:


I’m pretty sure I’m missing a few of the newer Ron ones also & seen 2 in the classic pack I don’t have. But yeah I have a metric shiton of those strip name ones as well! :rofl: