Interesting Finds & Heads-Ups

A bunch of new stuff at SwitchOddities, including lots of low-profile switches and a fair amount of Hall-effect ones, too.


Although not an unsculpted set, the GSA Retro keycaps showed that tasteful (in this case, retro) designs with a coherent theme (lack of modern dye colours) can work well.

I hope to see more of this kind of thing in the future.


Agreed that their first reverse die sub attempt were not good (I have Kat Arctic and Kam Wraith to confirm that).
But for Kat Refined their reverse die sub have been absolutely flawless to me.
But I waited for it more than 2 years.

They look to have progressed for the delivery time as well, and even provide in stock keycaps on their website (the Kat Operator designed by Biip is looking great btw, a mix of dual shot and die sub )


Not a keyboard but I feel like this might be of interest to some of us.

Touch PBT Wireless Mouse (


I would agree with this absolutely from 2021 to 2022, but they seem to have fixed a lot of the issues from that era. Considering what a fiasco they were at the time (both of their own doing and terrible communication plus global supply chain issues during covid), I can’t fault anyone for being leery of them now.

I’m in this boat now too. The dyesub and reverse dyesub on KAM Superuser is pretty much flawless on the kits I received; legends are sharp and correctly aligned and both the legend and cap colors are consistent. I credit a good bit of this to FreshFromTheGrave (aka Steven at NovelKeys) and his attention to to detail, but the actual manufacturing quality shouldn’t be discounted.

It did take 2.5 years to arrive and the spacebar kit packaging left the tops slightly scuffed, so not perfect. But I’d roll the dice with Keyreative again at this stage of their development.