Edit: … sent before finishing ok I’m learning new forum…
I just wanted to notice new design file are available in GitHub.
Fxxx, I can’t place link here.
See my gb thread on geekhack if you are interested.
Edit: … sent before finishing ok I’m learning new forum…
I just wanted to notice new design file are available in GitHub.
Fxxx, I can’t place link here.
See my gb thread on geekhack if you are interested.
Their price on ebay is not very stable. I don’t know how to get one in reasonable price. After market key caps are nice, but the extra stablizier piece in the space is pretty unique to AEK keyboards.
Wow cool, thanks Hasu! Just to clarify, do the lines in your drawing following the lines of the desired cutout or are they adjusted for kerf in any way? My laser cutter offsets their laser’s path for kerf automatically so I just want to make sure the new drawing is not already adjust for kerf.
As far as eBay is concerned, a lot of it is just patience – most get posted in the $50 to $120 range, but once in a blue moon, someone posts something in the $20 to $40 range (although sometimes it comes with shipping costs higher than the price the listing price of the board) …
Give it 24 hours or so, Discourse puts everyone into newbie status when you initially sign up – and PM manofinterests while you’re at it to get yourself verified …
The file was designed without any concern for kerf, so lines shows exact dimensions to be cut in the result.
This isn’t something I need, but I’m always a fan of supporting anything 60% alps, so I’d likely be in for one!
@hasu you should be able to post links now
I would be in for 1 to 3.
Will these be coated with something like pvd? Is pvd even necessary?
I am definitely interested in a brass plate for alps…
I would definitely be down for this just to have it when i get around to it
Current plan would not be to PVD coat, I would finish the plates with a brushed finish and then apply a clear coat. I think PVD is a bit overkill for keyboard plates because you’re not exposing them to extreme moisture (PVD often used for bathroom fixtures) and a clear coat and usually also requires a polished chrome finish to be applied before PVD, so doing both chrome polished finish + PVD increases the cost a lot so would not be able to meet $40 target for sure.
Would forgoing clear coat finish be something of interest to folks who wanted more of a patina to develop over time?
@hasu to the rescue! Thanks a bunch for putting this up & linking to the files needed to have a plate custom cut in the AEK layout!
Yes 100% interested in non finished brass plate also. I think that is a really cool ideal to let the true patina set in on it. I love the look of copper roofs once they’ve “greened over” & think it would make for a very unique looking plate!
Okay cool! It should actually be pretty easy for me to give the option of “raw” or clear-coated (in both cases brushed either way). Price would be the same too.
Just FYI–I’ve found working with brass plates for Modern M0110 that brass oxidizes realllllly slowly, so even if you chose the non clearcoated option, you could easily clearcoat yourself weeks after getting the plate and there won’t be much of a difference if at all visually.
There’s always the more expensive option – naval brass …
I am actually using naval brass (C260), but I thought it also will oxidize over time?
I *think* C260 is just “cartridge brass” – “naval brass” is C464
Will still oxidize over time, but more noticeable as dulling of the finish as opposed to the greenish corrosion common with bronze or copper
Oh sorry thanks for the clarification! I will circle back and see if C464 is feasible and I can get it in the right thickness from a metal supplier.
Definitely in for an unfinished brass plate, and naval brass would be an awesome bonus.