[GB] the Heavy Grail, a Norbauer housing for the HHKB

These GOCF housings take me back to those memories as well, and I’m so glad you’re doing one for the Heavy Grail Ryan!!! Thank you

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Haven’t received any updates regarding my Enigma Black order either :frowning:. Just sent an email to the shop.

The Enigma Black housings were all bespoke, as I recall, so they might be trailing the others. Definitely email and Jared can provide you with an update.

Yes, they were. That makes sense.
No worries, though! Waiting in patience :slight_smile:

why you keep tempting me hahaha

Anyone has a lot more hollow sound coming from the top left and right corners in comparison to the mid keys? Is this just by design?

I wouldn’t say by design but it is a consequence of the internal sound reflections in the corners and there not being dampening material on those hard surfaces compared to the rear cover plate upper face, which is itself a consequence of the design decision of using a rear cover plate to avoid a side seam. If this type of small acoustic variation is the sort of thing that is perceptible to your ears, you could likely tune it by laying in smaller strips of shelf liner near the corners (piling them up on both sides of the breakout PCB).

Alternatively, we might have a spare wool dampener from another product that you could cut up and use for the same purpose. Just shoot us an email if you’d like me to scavenge about for some for you. :slight_smile:


Happy thanksgiving crew! Do we know what time of the day the GOCF housings are going to drop? I really don’t want to miss out or check my email all day.


I’m lowkey excited to see what the holiday-themed name is going to be, lol.

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The Ghost of Turkey Future?

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Hey all! Sorry for being a bit slow today. I had hoped to get it rolling last night but I was up until 3am finishing processing the photos and getting everything set up in Shopify— and just ran out of steam. Probably another hour or so. Thanks for your patience, and Happy Turkey Day. :pray:t2::poultry_leg::turkey:

Here’s another couple of images in the meantime.


How does the weight of the polycarb models typically compare to the aluminium? Significantly lighter?

Won’t be able to submit an order in the next few hours. Hope they don’t sell out immediately!

The weight difference is definitely noticeable. I wish I had the weight number to hand to give you, but I don’t have the prototype here at my home office. However, the stainless steel rear cover plate intentionally adds a considerable weight to the housing, so it’s significantly heftier than it looks (or you would expect for a block of clear resin of its size).


my body is ready. both for this and for the meal to follow.

my body is ready but my wallet is not

got my order in before the email! I’m absolutely pumped for this one.


Haha. You guys and your refresh buttons.

We’re good to go now.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

We’ll be spending the next week getting the rest of the Grails ready to go out soon. We’re slowly but surely tying up all the loose ends. (People affected by the pink plate delay should have gotten an email last night, by the way.)


Alright! I managed to grab one with the polycarbonate plate. I’m looking forward to getting this one!


got a pc plate as well! Just wondering if we can also order the plate (white) only separately?