That’s what I’ve got in the charcoal one; OA stabs and Boba U4s. The Bobas sound and feel great on the chassis, which has a feel that’s very dense, solid, but not too harsh.
The OA stabs I have middling feelings about, at least for a silent build - so far they’re proving to be challenging to silence. I’ve got it down to just one thing still making noise: where the wire clips-in. There’s a fair bit of play there and I haven’t decided what I’m going to do about it yet. I may try some kind of shim, or replace the soft foam I have under the stab wire with something more firm. I might also just replace the stabs on the space bar and enter key with different models that allow for less twist.
Like Durock V2s, they’re plenty smooth but allow for some cap rotation, which doesn’t play well with MT3 and its slightly larger footprint. Depending on where I hit the space bar or enter key, they will twist juust enough to brush an adjacent cap as discussed in this thread. In my particular case I’m getting around the rotate-and-tick issue by sanding the caps down, but I recognize most people probably won’t want to do that.
On the top and bottom rows, there is some slight contact with the case from the keys - same deal, I’ll be sanding them - the client picked and paid for these parts, so if I can make them work together that’s what I’m going to do. He’s not so much in the hobby and just wants a finished good keeb, so the priorities are a little different than they would be for a personal build; for my own Ikki, I’m probably just going to avoid putting MT3 on it, as killer as it looks and feels with the board.