Easing Into Linears

So I completed the C3 Tangerine R2 with GSUS top housing build. For this build, I had to use 63.5g spring from SPRiT to make it feel bouncy. As is, stock 62g felt too flat.

  • It sounds pretty good, better than Inks but not quite as good as Cream.
  • It feels smooth, better than Cream and at par with Inks Tealios V2.

So this hybrid is like Ink with better sound. I can’t really recommend it because it doesn’t make much sense from the cost and hassle perspective. If you’re into sound, go with lubed and filmed Cream. If you’re into both smoothness as well as sound, go with lubed and filmed C3 Tangerine or Inks. If you are purely into smooth and buttery feel, go with lubed and filmed Tealios V2.

If you really want to try the same combo, you can use GSUS, OG, or YOK tops. They all seem to fit very tightly, as tight as filmed Cream. I went with GSUS because I had some spares with damaged tops as you can see in the photo. Sound is pretty loud so, like Creams, not recommended for office keyboard.

  • Outemu Sky top fits also but the sound was not as good as Panda clone tops.
  • Cream top didn’t fit.
  • Panda clone tops fit too tight on Ink and Tealios.

My current theory on the effect of housing material on acoustics:

POM > nylon > UHMWPE > polycarb

UPDATE: Tried using Outemu top with Aliaz/UHMWPE hybrid to test the theory but the result sounded worse and felt scratchy although wobble was reduced. Similar result with Panda top and C3 Tangerine top. So it seems synergy between components matters alot.

Top replacement test summary:

  • Aliaz/UHMWPE + Outemu top = worse sound, less wobble, scrachy
  • Aliaz/UHMWPE + Panda top = worse sound, less wobble
  • Aliaz/UHMWPE + C3 Tangerine R2 top = worse sound

NAMING: It’s getting rather tedious to repeat the long description of the hybrid so, for now, I’m going to use the name “Tangy Panda” in subsequent posts mentioning it. More I use Tangy Panda, more I like. Too bad it’s, like Holy Panda, a hassle to put together.

As always, YMMV, particularly with sound. When simply changing what’s under the keyboard has huge impact how switch sounds, you know things are a lot more complicated than one can put into words.