Doubts of the Undecided

Offtopic, but doesn’t “Doubts of the Undecided” sound like a title for a kickass metal song?


Which band name should we go with??

  • System of a Doubt
  • No Some Doubt
  • Doubtin’ Abbey
  • Other (comment below!)
0 voters

Not sure about the specifics, they said this in the IC thread on geekhack though:

We’ll also be aiming to overlap another GB run of Space Cadet keycaps for those looking to truly replicate the feel an aesthetics of the Space Cadet keyboard

My assumption was SP SA but KAT would be neat too.


No capslock? I’m waiting for the Hyper8. Hopefully that will have at least 6 capslock keys.

@Manofinterests I confess: I am fan of Iron Maiden. :guitar::zap::skull:


From a pretty big metal head here, yes it absolutely does! :metal: Like something Trivium or like @mf68 said Iron Maiden would name a song or record!

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What switches to use with my Frog TKL 8K? All will be spring swapped to 45g or 50g springs & I’ll be using the softest tadpoles, alum plate.
  • New Nixies
  • Oil Kings
  • Vint Blacks (broke in)
  • Aqua Kings
  • Milky Pro Yellows
  • Gateron X
  • Lavenders
0 voters

Looks like the Oil Kings have a pretty good lead, thanks for voting those who have & those who haven’t I won’t be building it till tomorrow. So help a brother out & give your opinion please!

Edit: Damn, new nixies with the come behind win! That’s what I was originally considering using since I am really happy with the ones in my Thermal+, but figured we’d have a little fun with the poll. Thanks for voting everyone, I’ll be starting the build shortly here!