Anyone finding their prefered switch weighting getting lighter or heavier as time goes on?

I can now confirm that this is also the path i was on. Started with

  1. gateron brown —>
  2. heavier sharper tactile (78g zealios v2, Holy panda, boba u4) —>
  3. topre 45g —>
  4. Light tactile (mx brown, durock light tactiles)
  5. light linear with long springs, and/or with reduce travel
  6. light linear with short springs (45g sprit supreme)

Initially a big fan of sharp tactile. The topre experience was a turning point and since then I have been preferring smaller tactile bump and ligher springs. Eventually end up in the linear gang.

Easing Into Linears and Long springs helped me to transit from tactile to linear. Back and forth with different springs lengths and keep going back to standard 14mm springs.