My only gripe is that there is no dislike button for stuff like this lol.
My concerns laid mostly with the backend and cost of hosting such a sleek system. And the front end is very sleek and unlike other forums. That’s great. But it becomes an issue when you’re trying to get a forum with thousands of users who are used to it to switch.
Waaaah Makami - I missed you so!
This just seems like @spacewolfplays is a little salty but in all honesty, it’s not needed and I’m happy with how this is going. I look forward to future updates and improvements. It would be dope if I could check a majority of GB and IC post here rather than migrate between here and MassHack.
Been taken care of
Why should the post be deleted? Did the thing he said not happen? Just because something was resolved doesn’t mean it didn’t happen and shouldn’t ever be talked about. Just because you don’t want to be reminded of something doesn’t mean no one can talk about it.
I’m not ruining any reputation, just relating the credibility of your skepticism to the credibility of you. And i’m not deleting anything other than your discord pms.
Ty Andrew,
finally together again
Nope folks, don’t get wrong impressions, but Andrew is special for me!
As usual from you, this is a really well put-together post. I honestly just wish there was a super good way to go about a project like this without people immediately thinking the worst, just because the people involved are connected to vendors. It seems like people want to attack for no other reason than the desire to attack, and are so fixated on the fact that someone that is also a vendor is one of the board members of this site, that they can’t even appreciate the site for what it is. This is a fresh project and if it fails, then it fails. It’s a legal non-profit and the community has the rights to see all financial records from it, if I’m not mistaken. Transparency is key, and a major part of the goal.
Anyways, I definitely agree with the name, not my favorite…
This 100%, I believe us users should most certainly have to contribute financially in some way, however big or small it may be. Now I have no ideal about the cost & technicals of running a website, but can easily see from a layman’s perspective that a user owned/run forum/site is not sustainable without financial contribution from the users.
Not saying a it should be behind a paywall or anything drastic, but maybe a Pateron &/or subscription service that gives paying members a few added perks if something like that is feasible on this platform?
The problem is, the EXACT same thing could be said about the Massdrop Geekhack buyout.
And … it’s a legitimate concern. Dismissing it is disingenuous. Because this sort of thing happens and people get screwed.
So, coming into the situation with concern is appropriate.
That said, given that it sounds like there is definitely a plan, with a lot of transparency involved, and some of the comments here already… I don’t think it’s going to be a problem. But I’d rather be skeptical and be wrong, than blind and screwed.
Its healthy to convey a level of cynicysm in these respects - its what conflicts of interests rules and rulings exist for, and I share your misgivings. I think the proof will be in the pudding as they say - how open that plan is, how the changes / improvements are communicated and how much involvement the community has in those decisions.
In that respect @norbauer has given me some significant confidence with his rational and eloquent responses on how KT is going to be run. Now we just need to see it.
This is a sound philosophy! It’s up to us to prove our intentions to everyone, and I’m pretty confident we’ll be able to pull that off in the weeks to come. We just need a bit of time to draft all this stuff up so we can actually codify the philosophy into a set of operating procedures that will assure we’re living up to the intent of the community, and that’ll take a few days.
That’s fair. Also, for the record, I have no issues AT ALL with MD owning GH. Like I mentioned in a recent reddit comment, I actually like MD and all the people I’ve met from there. For me, it’s just more about the actual forum itself, not the people involved at all. I don’t like GH or DT because of the structure and functionality of the forums themselves. The people in both forums are really cool, though. So if I can get that same social experience with a layout that is easier and more fun for me, that’s a win, in my book.
Also, I apologize for the way we handled your question on yesterday’s episode. As I kind of expected I would, I got immediately tilted when I assume people aren’t considering all aspects of something before making a decision. I still am admittedly tilted that some people are not seeing the seemingly bigger picture, but I understand a lot of the skepticism and hope that, through sheer community effort, transparency, and respect, I hope everything goes well here and people can start seeing this place for what it really is an what it can offer.
Anyways, again, I’m sorry. Huey and I were both a little on edge, which is uncharacteristic of us, and we will be better next time.
The problem with the name is that “keebtalk” is two words mashed together that are awkward. Individually they’re fine. But say “keebtalk” out loud. It’s difficult to get the stress on the b and the t sequentially. Now say “keytalk”. Much easier, right? “Key” ends in a soft vowel, and “talk” begins with a hard consonant. Like “geekhack” but the other way around.
I’m not a linguist, and I’d bet if I did some research, I’d sound smarter and have fancier, more accurate words to describe this phenomenon, but I’m really lazy tonight. The only word I remember from college is “fricative” and the only reason I remember it is because it sounds like a euphemism for something else.
I’m just adding to the dogpile. But if I named the site, it’d be “Farthammer” or “FeetOdor” or “HonkAss”. I could do this all day, but I won’t, and for that you can all be grateful.
Going a little too hard on this one Kris.
well, it seems like all the server issues have been addressed. the site is consistently responsive now. all that’s left now is people getting used to how to use the new site.
give it time guys. also give the team behind this time to run the site, and let’s stop making assumptions about their ultimate plans of world domination (if any). let’s also stop raising concerns as if the team behind this are complete tech noobs, and that we know better. we may, or may not.
less drama, more keyboard pictures, more group buys, and get the heavy6 out (@norbauer).
how about those who prefer the current name can keep calling it keeb in their heads, and the rest can call it k b talk, keyboardtalk or however they see fit
@whentheclouds Whatever they do, it needs to be done before somebody comes up with the t-shirts.
Speaking of which, the keebtalk graphic is representative of key caps, but the Legends are not consistent. I’d, personally, like to see all capital letters, because that’s what I see when I look down at my board.
Agreed. But when you look at the quote like that you’ll never know if we are talking about Massdrop and Geekhack or keyboardtalk.
The videos and dramatic approach to saying “it’s the end of an era at geekhack” were off-putting at best. Era’s ending are not inherently bad, and knowing how to be hopeful for the next era is important. Every new President (or world leader for that matter) is the start of a new era, for example. Shouldn’t we be ready to at least give the new leadership a chance? Every 4 years people say “oh shit, I’m moving to Canada if XXXX is elected.” How annoying is this to hear, or how much do you want to say “well, get involved and help make your country a better place.” If GH changes so much it isn’t for me in a few months, so be it, but I’m definitely going to try to make it a better place and give feedback and input where I can.
Now again, I’m not saying a new forum is bad, by any means. Honestly I’m curious how GH will shape up now that Admins can make changes they want, but even beyond that there was a big hole for an up to date forum that would make usage and visual improvements over the ones we have. This forum makes clams that it does that, but they are misleading. I hear and see claims about how this forum is an improvement over others, but frankly, it’s not. Its not organized as well as Geekhack, it doesn’t give you the quick access to great pictures like Reddit, and the ongoing conversations are far more tedious to keep up with compared to DT and GH.
The way this came about was rushed, and frankly made me quite disappointed in the people behind it. Yeah a new forum would be great. Did we need it when the community was confused and unsure of the future? Nah. Makes it seem like it was taking advantage of the situation and confusion instead of making a forum worth actually using. And vendors are vendors, regardless of what financial structure are behind, I think having vendors at the top level of a forum is just not an ideal situation and should be avoided whenever possible. Hell, back in 2015 I stepped down as an r/mechanicalkeyboard mod because of the possibility that I would be a mod with a store. Swing it however you want, this is a forum with vendors at the wheel just like Geekhack.
When the GH mods gave their nod of approval for how GH was looking under Massdrop, that was good enough for me to also let them earn my trust as the new owners. Sometimes it just baffles me that vendors want to make political moves like this, instead of just being vendors, but that’s a whole different story.